Series 7-Evil Abroad, Destruction Downtown

Quick Summary

Allies united, decisions established, and quests underway! The Claw continues to fight evil around the world as he seeks to unpry the fingers of BioMech's global reach from the criminal world.

Traveling around the globe to rid the world of BioMech's super-powerful crime 'products' Todd Ticket, Marla, Random and their friends discover the return of a powerful old arch nemesis.

On the heels of this surfacing evil is the unnerving secret that will shake The Claw's very core!

One of which will bring the world's greatest destructive theat to the heart of Cycle City!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Snow Bunni

On top of being able to create snow and ice she also has the ability to control snow, using the same ionic bond technology as Wipe Out.

She works for an international diamond/jewel theft/smuggling ring. She creates ‘fake’ but real-looking gems to replace the ones they’d stolen so that people wouldn’t notice them.
They are somewhat of competitors to the theft ring that Superior’s super-fast ‘product’ belongs to.
Superior Johnston product intended to replace Flash Freeze. The first woman Superior used to bio-engineer into a product. Superior didn’t want to use Flash Freeze again, fearing he had become a liability following his employ with Crime Shark. She was created after The Claw destroyed Superior Johnston’s BioMech company in Cycle City.
When Flash Freeze discovers her identity he hunts her down. She makes him remove his mask and falls in love with his deep, ice-blue eyes and dark, snow-shadowed hair.
With her help and the expertise of The Conjurer he is able to complete his process that Superior started… giving them both the same abilities and allowing him to no longer wear the life-support suit that he had to wear. As a by product, neither of them can ever exist in a warm climate again.
Choosing to remain together they abandon their previous employment positions and run away together to live in the Swiss Alps.
Naturally, this upsets two of the largest criminal minds in the world-Superior Johnston and Crime Shark.

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