Series 7-Evil Abroad, Destruction Downtown

Quick Summary

Allies united, decisions established, and quests underway! The Claw continues to fight evil around the world as he seeks to unpry the fingers of BioMech's global reach from the criminal world.

Traveling around the globe to rid the world of BioMech's super-powerful crime 'products' Todd Ticket, Marla, Random and their friends discover the return of a powerful old arch nemesis.

On the heels of this surfacing evil is the unnerving secret that will shake The Claw's very core!

One of which will bring the world's greatest destructive theat to the heart of Cycle City!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Real name: Dr. Newton Harshaw
Affiliation: BioMech
Temperament: Excited, tunnel-vision, visionary, impulsive, focused on his work, socially inept.
Weapons/Equipment: Has a suit that allows him to manipulate metal objects magnetically, enabling him to construct them into robots, weapons, or other scientific necessities. His suit is charged by a self-generating reactor that maneuvers twin turbines around his body, giving him a magnetic-gravitational field. A set of four ‘quad-claws’ provide additional labor support and four remote-operated probe ‘eyes’ give him a better view of his work.
Skills/Abilities: Head of BioMech’s Robotics-Led Superior Johnston’s robotics division before he was defeated. He then became the Robotics science instructor at Fleetwood college.
Preferred Strike: I'm a robotisist, not a fighter.

Forced to get a job after Superior Johnston is defeated, Nexus gets a job as a teacher at the university Todd goes to. Without either of their helmets in place, neither recognizes the other.
Once Nexus learns of Impervious' return he quickly abandons his position at the school to return to his former employeer.

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