Series 7-Evil Abroad, Destruction Downtown

Quick Summary

Allies united, decisions established, and quests underway! The Claw continues to fight evil around the world as he seeks to unpry the fingers of BioMech's global reach from the criminal world.

Traveling around the globe to rid the world of BioMech's super-powerful crime 'products' Todd Ticket, Marla, Random and their friends discover the return of a powerful old arch nemesis.

On the heels of this surfacing evil is the unnerving secret that will shake The Claw's very core!

One of which will bring the world's greatest destructive theat to the heart of Cycle City!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bionica-Final History Chapter

Real name: Alias is Katriana Korsakov from Russia.
Affiliation: Innovative Inc.
Temperament: Fun-loving, adventurous, a bit on the wild side, flirtatious, reckless, compationate, and head-strong.
IONIC BOND AMPLIFIED HYDROLIC SKELETON: Looking completely human on the outside, Bionica is mostly machine held together by ionic bond on the inside. Her bones have been ioniclly bonded to a complex series of hydrolic lift mechanisims, giving her incredible strength. She is also able to jump high, run fast, and do things no other human could do. Unfortunately, the ionic bond requires a steady stream of electricity in order to remain functional. A small compartment of batteries is installed in her that feeds a steady stream of electricity to her individual systems. These batteries need to be changed regularly. Without the constant flow of electrical current the machines that give her incredible power would kill her.
HIDDEN IDENTITY: Her real name is Conquica Santander and she is Puerto Rican. She was biologically altered to protect her origins and identity. She claims to be from Russia to throw everyone in the wrong direction. She leaves no fingerprints and does not show up on any identification scans, including retinal scans. None of her weapons or mechanical systems show up on any scan.
DUAL, MINI-RAIL GUNS: Carries two, pop-up, internal mini-rail guns in each forearm. The designs were slopped together after extensive research into Dead Bolt’s rail gun. The designs were not stolen-they were figured out by working hard and spying on Dead Bolt.
DUAL, IONIC-BONDING EXOSKELETON HANDS: Thin, small exo-skeleton, robotic hands grab down, latch onto, and bond with her hands when not in use. They are designed to be the same color and pattern as her own hands as to be undetectable when not in use.
FIRING HER EXO-HANDS: A thin, filament cord is wound tight in a quick-release spool near the base of the elbow. With small explosions it can be shot out and used as a grappling hook or weapon, which can be swung from. Maximum 2 city block range.
This is the technology Ticket's mentor traded for access to the ionic bond, not knowing what it's intentions would be used for.
MULTIPLE INTERNAL COMPARTMENTS: Trained as an escape artist, Bionica has multiple tools hidden inside and throughout her body that cannot be detected by scans, including lock-pick devices and first aid kit.
MARTIAL ARTS EXPERTISE: Varying, international forms of hand to hand combat (Ex. Brazilian Jijitsu).
Preferred Strike: Swing, grab, smooch, wink, and punch. Not necessarily in that order, of course. *wink*

When Prof. Cloward was worried that Todd Ticket wouldn't survive his encounter with Mind Wipe he was preparing to scrap the entire L.A.W. project. He brought the New Project: Lashline into fruitation to take his place.
Upset with the situation he visited his friend from Innovation, Inc. and tried to convince him of the involvement the scientific community needed to take due to their actions.
Prof. Cloward also told him of his frustrations with the L.A.W. weapon, it's eventual replacement, and how he didn't want to scrap the project. His friend made him a bargain under the table and through hushed tones: He offered to give Prof. Cloward the secret he needed to make the L.A.W. project come about in return for the technology that fueled Lashline.
Prof. Cloward agreed and in time received his first sample of the ionic bond: an alien substance that when connected to an electric charge would instanteously bind objects together as though they were one.
It was the substance that held molecules together! Prof. Cloward immediately saw the importance of such a substance! In a short amount of time Marla was able to easily reproduce the substance from the original sample... and the C.L.A.W. underwent it's next tranformation.
The information Prof. Cloward gave to his friend was combined with his own sample of ionic bond and went into the creation of Bionica!

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