Series 7-Evil Abroad, Destruction Downtown

Quick Summary

Allies united, decisions established, and quests underway! The Claw continues to fight evil around the world as he seeks to unpry the fingers of BioMech's global reach from the criminal world.

Traveling around the globe to rid the world of BioMech's super-powerful crime 'products' Todd Ticket, Marla, Random and their friends discover the return of a powerful old arch nemesis.

On the heels of this surfacing evil is the unnerving secret that will shake The Claw's very core!

One of which will bring the world's greatest destructive theat to the heart of Cycle City!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Captain UN

BioMech Sold product

Created by BioMech’s Chemistry science instructor. The earth’s version of Silver Star.
The man is huge – he has to be in order to hold all of his abilities. Almost all of his abilities were stolen: anti-gravity ‘flight’, Gravitous’ powers to simulate ‘super strength’ (even by looking at an object), super-sonic speed from Blue Lightening, phasing technology taken from Phantom Phase, + laser eyes, Shatter Shard’s metallic skin, and super iron lung. The super iron lung allows him to hold his breath as he is flying in orbit or through long distances through solid objects. It also allows him to breathe in through his nose and exhale out through his mouth at the same time in extreme velocities-creating a wind-tunnel projector like a hurricane.
Superior has an ability that allows him to ‘turn off’ his projects at will. So, Captain NATO can never be used against him.
Captain NATO lives in a big, planet-orbiting satellite, which he can fly out of when in need. He uses it to monitor the earth’s activity. He has a robot for a butler who was made for him by Nexus (as part of his fee).
Also gains near-invulnerability through Iron Clad’s protective polymer coating.
Also gains super speed through Lady Leopard’s speed-enhancers.

Thinking he was volunteering for a top secret volunteer project for fighting international terrorism, he was actually NATO’s bait to try and stop Superior Johnston. His bosses expected him to gain super-powers (for the ‘super powers’) and then use them against Superior Johnston, as well as lead them to him. However, Superior Johnston creates all of his super-soldiers with a backup plan, and he was no exception. NATO planned to take him out once they’d dealt with Superior. Fortunately for him, he failed.
Once NATO discovered their error they then had no choice but to employ him for the role in which he was originally intended: fight terrorist attacks across the globe… even Superior’s other products… just not him.
Captain NATO once tried to stop Detonator of the Destructors but Vibrations and Chemical found a way to electronically jam his ionic bond through an overdose of electricity – rendering him incapacitated. Tremor of the ReinForcers then approached The Claw for assistance – since he was the most widely known individual with the ionic bond material. The Claw agreed to assist them in getting Captain NATO back but it turned out to be a lure to get the defender of Cycle City and the ReinForcers away – so that the Destructors could attack!

Lashline-Final Phase

Real name: Erika Shearer
Affiliation: Intellect Defense
Temperament: Ex-military vet. Mean, rude, and bitter due to the loss of her right arm above the elbow from her previous military experience. She also hates men due to the bad behavior from her previous military assignments (her superior officer was a big, bad jerk). She is almost unethical in her behavior and tactics.
Weapons/Equipment: Wears a cable-rapelling/grappling lashclaw on her right arm above the elbow.
HOOK CLAW: Sharpened, the boomerang-shaped claw can be fought with in hand to hand combat situations or fired at enemies from a distance.
FIRING THE CLAW: A thin, filament cord is wound tight in a quick-release spool near the base of the elbow. With small explosions it can be shot out and used as a grappling hook or weapon, which can be swung from. Maximum 2 city block range. Able to carry only 2 people (Lashline included). Stronger than Todd’s mini-L.A.W.s but not by much.
Skills/Abilities: MARTIAL ARTS EXPERTISE: As an ex-military vet Lashline is versed in various forms of hand to hand combat. Or, in her case, hand to claw combat.
Preferred Strike: Fire off hook-claw into opponent and then pull them into her awaiting elbow-uppercut.

Lashline is now able to easily keep up with and prove herself to both Bionica and The Claw. More than often she has rescued their lives from certain peril.

With the new replacement of her lost arm her temperament lightens up considerably. This results in the prospect of marriage... and a new daughter!
Understanding her new husband's young girl's wild temperment and destructive ways she swallows her pride and approaches The Claw for the biggest favor she could ever ask him: allow the young girl to travel alongside him! She hopes that The Claw's experiences can help bring the sweet girl out of her wild tomboy, just as The Claw did for her.

Bionica-Final History Chapter

Real name: Alias is Katriana Korsakov from Russia.
Affiliation: Innovative Inc.
Temperament: Fun-loving, adventurous, a bit on the wild side, flirtatious, reckless, compationate, and head-strong.
IONIC BOND AMPLIFIED HYDROLIC SKELETON: Looking completely human on the outside, Bionica is mostly machine held together by ionic bond on the inside. Her bones have been ioniclly bonded to a complex series of hydrolic lift mechanisims, giving her incredible strength. She is also able to jump high, run fast, and do things no other human could do. Unfortunately, the ionic bond requires a steady stream of electricity in order to remain functional. A small compartment of batteries is installed in her that feeds a steady stream of electricity to her individual systems. These batteries need to be changed regularly. Without the constant flow of electrical current the machines that give her incredible power would kill her.
HIDDEN IDENTITY: Her real name is Conquica Santander and she is Puerto Rican. She was biologically altered to protect her origins and identity. She claims to be from Russia to throw everyone in the wrong direction. She leaves no fingerprints and does not show up on any identification scans, including retinal scans. None of her weapons or mechanical systems show up on any scan.
DUAL, MINI-RAIL GUNS: Carries two, pop-up, internal mini-rail guns in each forearm. The designs were slopped together after extensive research into Dead Bolt’s rail gun. The designs were not stolen-they were figured out by working hard and spying on Dead Bolt.
DUAL, IONIC-BONDING EXOSKELETON HANDS: Thin, small exo-skeleton, robotic hands grab down, latch onto, and bond with her hands when not in use. They are designed to be the same color and pattern as her own hands as to be undetectable when not in use.
FIRING HER EXO-HANDS: A thin, filament cord is wound tight in a quick-release spool near the base of the elbow. With small explosions it can be shot out and used as a grappling hook or weapon, which can be swung from. Maximum 2 city block range.
This is the technology Ticket's mentor traded for access to the ionic bond, not knowing what it's intentions would be used for.
MULTIPLE INTERNAL COMPARTMENTS: Trained as an escape artist, Bionica has multiple tools hidden inside and throughout her body that cannot be detected by scans, including lock-pick devices and first aid kit.
MARTIAL ARTS EXPERTISE: Varying, international forms of hand to hand combat (Ex. Brazilian Jijitsu).
Preferred Strike: Swing, grab, smooch, wink, and punch. Not necessarily in that order, of course. *wink*

When Prof. Cloward was worried that Todd Ticket wouldn't survive his encounter with Mind Wipe he was preparing to scrap the entire L.A.W. project. He brought the New Project: Lashline into fruitation to take his place.
Upset with the situation he visited his friend from Innovation, Inc. and tried to convince him of the involvement the scientific community needed to take due to their actions.
Prof. Cloward also told him of his frustrations with the L.A.W. weapon, it's eventual replacement, and how he didn't want to scrap the project. His friend made him a bargain under the table and through hushed tones: He offered to give Prof. Cloward the secret he needed to make the L.A.W. project come about in return for the technology that fueled Lashline.
Prof. Cloward agreed and in time received his first sample of the ionic bond: an alien substance that when connected to an electric charge would instanteously bind objects together as though they were one.
It was the substance that held molecules together! Prof. Cloward immediately saw the importance of such a substance! In a short amount of time Marla was able to easily reproduce the substance from the original sample... and the C.L.A.W. underwent it's next tranformation.
The information Prof. Cloward gave to his friend was combined with his own sample of ionic bond and went into the creation of Bionica!

Fire Bird

Able to create and control fire. Also able to fly on the heat waves of her fire.

She was created by Superior Johnson and after The Claw brought his Cycle City house down she ran away from her contract. She now fights against those she was supposed to work for and people like the man who man her.


Real name: Superior Johnston
Affiliation: BioMech
Temperament: Brilliant, educated, patient, charming, intelligent, resourceful, wise, organized, wealthy, and powerful.
Weapons/Equipment: An entire underground, international scientific criminal empire at his disposal.
Powers/Abilities: KNOWN ABILITIES are not limited to this list. Impervious likes to collect the abilities that work in his 'projects' for himself.
HEAT/RADIATION EYES: Able to fire powerful blasts of heat/radiation from his eyes. Also used for telescoping/night vision.
SUB-ZERO BLAST FROM HANDS: Sub-zero blasts can freeze targets, rendering them susceptible to shattering.
FIRE BREATH: Flamethrowers surgically added and bonded via the ionic bond allow him to literally breathe fire.
SUPER IRON LUNG: Able to breathe out a tremendous amount of wind-power, escalating nearly to hurricane level or freezing temperatures. Ability to alternate lungs allows him to simultaneously breathe in through nose and out through mouth to send a consistent amount of wind indefinitely.
ARMORED SHELL SKIN: Able to create am armored shell on his skin like Shattered Shard, earning him the name Impervious.
CELL REGENERATION: Quick cell regeneration allows him to quickly heal from damage and also slow his aging process.
IONIC BOND SKIN: Controllable ionic bond on surface of skin allows him to hold onto/stick to surfaces.
CONTROL OVER PROJECTS: Superior has an ability that allows him to ‘turn off’ his projects at will so that they cannot be used against him.
HEIGHTENED ABILITIES: Super strength/crushing ability, super grappling/lifting ability, super speed, super jump/fall, super punch/kick, armored bones,; heightened senses; some mind control and enhanced learning/processing ability.
ADDITIONAL POWER RESERVOIR POTENTIAL: It takes ‘space’ within his body to hold more abilities. Superior has secretly stolen Maximus’s abilities so that he can increase he size if he needs to take on more abilities. Even his own scientists don’t know about this ability!
Preferred Strike: To see an opponent actual destroy themselves with their own weapons. Saves me the effort.

The head of BioMech; an illegal, underground science facility that makes biologically and mechanically enhanced super soldiers, 'projects' – to the right bidder, for the highest price!
His primary claim to fame is the fact that his scientists discovered the way to successfully ionically bond living tissue with mechanical weapons on a cellular level so that there is no distinction between the two. This provides their 'projects' with unlimited super-human abilities.
Superior Johnston collected a group of mad scientists who were unwanted, not liked, and not believed by their scientific peers. Many are cast out for concepts that were borderline illegal, whose theories were banded, ridiculed, ignored, and wanted by Federal law!
They are the scientific equivalent of what happened to the industry/steel workers and engineers.
Dumb enough to try their experiments anyway but smart enough to not do them on themselves. They have a long line of willing guinea pigs with the poor, strong, jobless industry workers.
They create lawless villains specifically to help illegally fund their highly dangerous experiments! They want to destroy their rivals – the other scientists in the community! And they have access to their biggest weapon: the ionic bond.
An enemy targeted by the USA’s military top most wanted list. They recognized that Superior Johnston was a national threat but they needed help flushing him out of hiding. They knew of Ticket's mentor's very public and verbal outspoken view on the scientists of the area. They asked him to push the envelope and openly threaten Superior – which he did. He also had New Project Lashline try to infiltrate his group while Ticket was still recovering from his previous battle with Mind Wipe. As a result, Superior sent his men and Shattered Shard to kill him. In the process they also destroyed Intellect Defense.
Todd Ticket, as The Claw, then fought to crush his empire. He was assisted by Bionica, Iron Clad, Lashline, Bondman, and others. In time they then were able to assimilate Superior’s old HQ into their own establishment and work to re-build their mentor’s dream.
Unfortunately, the military/ReinForcers discovered that Superior Johnston survived the attack and set up shop in another country… and further underground. They will continue to fight him until Superior Johnston, aka Impervious, is permanently dealt with.
BioMech's highly advanced, and dangerous, super villain 'projects' are spread throughout the globe! Once Ticket discovers this he realizes that he must travel the world and stop them!
BioMech created a failed experiment ‘gravity-man’ able to alter/control gravity based on Martian technology. BioMech knows about the Martians and tries to steal their advanced technology.


After Superior Johnson's underground laboratory is destroyed and overrun by The Claw and his allies, Impervious moves his operations to a more 'international' location and takes on a new bodyguard.
Moonlight gets her name from her 'post day-time' activities; moonlighting as Impervious' assassin! With her help Superior hopes to never have to worry about his base of operations being overthrown again.


Even Superior Johnson's underground BioMech lab needs a financial expert. Logarithums not only helps to keep track of funds but is an expert at procuring them... illegally, to help him re-set up his new base.


Real name: Dr. Newton Harshaw
Affiliation: BioMech
Temperament: Excited, tunnel-vision, visionary, impulsive, focused on his work, socially inept.
Weapons/Equipment: Has a suit that allows him to manipulate metal objects magnetically, enabling him to construct them into robots, weapons, or other scientific necessities. His suit is charged by a self-generating reactor that maneuvers twin turbines around his body, giving him a magnetic-gravitational field. A set of four ‘quad-claws’ provide additional labor support and four remote-operated probe ‘eyes’ give him a better view of his work.
Skills/Abilities: Head of BioMech’s Robotics-Led Superior Johnston’s robotics division before he was defeated. He then became the Robotics science instructor at Fleetwood college.
Preferred Strike: I'm a robotisist, not a fighter.

Forced to get a job after Superior Johnston is defeated, Nexus gets a job as a teacher at the university Todd goes to. Without either of their helmets in place, neither recognizes the other.
Once Nexus learns of Impervious' return he quickly abandons his position at the school to return to his former employeer.

Tar Pit

Designed to mimic MagnaMax's abilities. Triplet’s deadliest enemy!

After Impervious was defeated by The Claw and his allies, Superior wanted to have his own version of multiple-fighters, like Triplicate.

An ex-steel worker (like most) his internal technology is based off of Shatter Shard’s flexible physical center: strong living tissue, similar to a tongue, and is very bendable and moldable. However, it does not have the metal-creating capacities of Shatter Shard. Since he is so bendable he is able to take on almost any form to hide, stretch, or attack! And his identity is tied to his body – so he is able to separate versions of himself from himself and create additional, smaller units! And each are capable of fighting together as a coordinated unit/team.

Superior Johnston had him made just to see if the Shatter Shard’s moldable body technology could be used for something else. He is a product that currently does not have a buyer. Superior prefers to keep him for himself as part of his own company's personal guard to help prevent from any future attempts at being overthrown.

Forkliftman & Pallet Jaq

When the Destructors attack the police station, jail, and prison both Forkliftman and Pallet Jaq escape the Destructor's recruitment process. They meet up and realize that the Destructors are the bigger threat than The Claw ever was.

Retooling their tank-like weapons they both join The Claw and other smaller groups of heroes and villians in repeling the terrorist invaders from their town.

As a reward the govenor is willing to offer them a pardon for their assistance. They are now able to live free lives and be together... until the lure of their tank's forklift treads becon-call to them again...

To celebrate their new freedoms they decide to get married! They rumble out of Cycle City on their honeymoon, driving their dangerous tanks out of town.

Prof. Cloward-Return

Before Superior Johnston attacked Intellect Defense Prof. Cloward was approached by Tremor, on behalf of the USA’s military (General G’s dept.). They recognized that Superior Johnston was a national threat but they needed help taking him out. They wanted to flush him out of hiding so they could take him down and to do that they needed bait. They knew of Prof. Cloward's very public and verbal outspoken view on the scientists of the area. They asked him to push the envelope and openly threaten Superior – which he did. He also had New Project Lashline try to infiltrate his group while Ticket was still recovering from his previous battle with Mind Wipe. They wanted to try and get Superior to make a mistake – which he did. He sent his men and Shattered Shard to kill Prof. Cloward but with the military and the ReinForcer’s help they made it look like they succeeded.

The mistake he made was he ticked off Ticket. As The Claw, he, Bionica, Iron Klad, Lashline and others were able to crush his empire. But they did it before the USA’s military could move in and take him down. In time Prof. Cloward’s group then were able to assimilate Superior’s old HQ into their own establishment and work to re-build Prof. Cloward's dream.
Unfortunately, the military/ReinForcers discovered that Superior Johnston survived the attack, not to dissimilar from the way that Prof. Cloward did, and set up shop in another country… and further underground. To make sure their hand didn’t get tipped at their involvement Prof. Cloward had to take up residence with the ReinForcers and become a military science advisor working with Test Tube until Superior Johnston is permanently dealt with.

Until then, Todd Ticket and his group continue on with the assumption that Prof. Cloward was dead… and as heroes, they had failed him. To help make up for his loss of presence, and support, Prof. Cloward now uses his military channels to open doors for his friends… and watch their growth and progress from a silent distance.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blood Prowlers

Nemesis of the Amazing Prof. Wong

Carries technology intended to imitate the natural abilities of The Amazing Prof. Wong. i.e. fireball-throwing gauntlets, anti-gravity harness, and phasing technology. Lyonell’s Labs is also working to create inter-dimensional portals and energy weapon technology.

American posing as a modern day magician and competitor of The Amazing Prof. Wong but he is actually trying to destroy him for the Japanese criminal cartel known as the Black Dragons.

Later he goes to Impervious to have his technology 'bonded' to his body to make them 'natural' and permanent.

Mini-story series of The Claw in The Tournament in next series.

Commander Eagle

Cardiac Arrest

Death Watch

Silver Star and Eclipse

Silver Star



Exoskeleton Commander

Galaxy Cats



Mystic Vista

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Snow Bunni

On top of being able to create snow and ice she also has the ability to control snow, using the same ionic bond technology as Wipe Out.

She works for an international diamond/jewel theft/smuggling ring. She creates ‘fake’ but real-looking gems to replace the ones they’d stolen so that people wouldn’t notice them.
They are somewhat of competitors to the theft ring that Superior’s super-fast ‘product’ belongs to.
Superior Johnston product intended to replace Flash Freeze. The first woman Superior used to bio-engineer into a product. Superior didn’t want to use Flash Freeze again, fearing he had become a liability following his employ with Crime Shark. She was created after The Claw destroyed Superior Johnston’s BioMech company in Cycle City.
When Flash Freeze discovers her identity he hunts her down. She makes him remove his mask and falls in love with his deep, ice-blue eyes and dark, snow-shadowed hair.
With her help and the expertise of The Conjurer he is able to complete his process that Superior started… giving them both the same abilities and allowing him to no longer wear the life-support suit that he had to wear. As a by product, neither of them can ever exist in a warm climate again.
Choosing to remain together they abandon their previous employment positions and run away together to live in the Swiss Alps.
Naturally, this upsets two of the largest criminal minds in the world-Superior Johnston and Crime Shark.