Series 7-Evil Abroad, Destruction Downtown

Quick Summary

Allies united, decisions established, and quests underway! The Claw continues to fight evil around the world as he seeks to unpry the fingers of BioMech's global reach from the criminal world.

Traveling around the globe to rid the world of BioMech's super-powerful crime 'products' Todd Ticket, Marla, Random and their friends discover the return of a powerful old arch nemesis.

On the heels of this surfacing evil is the unnerving secret that will shake The Claw's very core!

One of which will bring the world's greatest destructive theat to the heart of Cycle City!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sail Blade

Has dual, wing-size sail swords that collapse. They ‘sing’ when swung and are perfect for decapitation.
Can also glide with them, making him a good guy equivalent to Terror DacTyle.

Helps to keep crime down in Cycle City when The Claw begins to travel around the world!

The Hustler

Street gal who came to make a living beating guys at bar games-pool, darts, skee-ball, cards, etc.

Fights crime with a pool stick, throwing pool balls, darts, and game cards. Works well with Shackle when Sable Blade leaves for Japan.

Helps to keep crime down in Cycle City when The Claw begins to travel around the world!

The Beheaded Revolutionary

Golden Arm

When the Martian's initial asteroid-craft attack on Earth failed, the remains of the ship crashed to the Earth. Golden Arm was able to recover much of the metal from the ship, which radiated with a strange energy. When he fashioned it into a suit of armor it provided him with rare and strange powers. Taking on the name of "Golden Arm" he contracts his services to the government to insure peace.
Often works with Iron Klad and his team but prefers to work alone. He has also worked with Captain UN on occasion.


Created by BioMech’s Chemistry science instructor. Is able to move very fast in only small increments. Perfect for pick pocketing and theft.

Created for an international crime theft ring Blurr is the pinnacle of the team. With lightening-fast reflexes and actions for a short amount of time their group is able to pull of theft stunts their competitors only dream of. They are wanted in just about every country.

The Claw-Original

Real name: Todd Ticket
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Calm, publicly shy, determinded, stumbles over words, likable, funny, good-natured, kind, but unlucky with girls.
Steel-worker turned gymnast, strong, agile, brave, unafraid of heights, quick-thinking/reflexes, and persistant.
Retractable twin drill/claws, one on each hand, able to fire from each hand and connected by a ionic-bond version of a magnetic tractor beam. Able to drill through solid metal with diamond-tipped drills and crush car engines with hydraulic claws. Claw ‘blades’ contain multiple dual-directions ‘hinges’ for versatility.
Claws are fired off with a combination of electromagnetic/harmonic repulsors. The repulsors are specifically tuned to the claw’s harmonic frequency so that they will pull back or launch out, instead of attracting/retracting anything else.
Interior of claws and bottom of boots contain alien ionic bonding substance, enabling him to stick to surfaces.
Interior of claws also contain ionic-bond firing ion cannons, capable of rendering electronic equipment worthless and living tissue unconscious. Later will be able to fire a liquid ionic-bond for trapping targets in place.
Helmet includes various filtering/analyzing/sensory-boosting/scanning equipment.
Ticket can target with his eyes by looking at his target. External speakers and internal functions are all voice activated.
Giant space-adapted 'ROBOCLaw', 'Clutch' terrain-climbing S.U.V., 'Grasp' Motorcycle, and Hover-chopper.
Dual, wrist mini-LAW’s on chains under his street clothes.
Preferred Strike: Double, claw-extended swipe.

A young, 3rd generation steel worker who’d lost his wife to a lab accident and blames the newly established science companies for his problems. He believes the accident was cause by a mysteriously masked winged crusader, donned with various blades and wearing a blue outfit and red cape (Death Watch).

When he lost his job decided to take his frustrations and anger out on one of the scientific companies that put his company out of business. To make a statement, he drove his car randomly through the front lobby of one of the many scientific companies in the city. Strong from years of steel work he was barely stopped. Fortunately , it was Prof. Carter’s Intellect Defense company.
Prof. Carter listened to his side of the story before turning him over to the police. His story touched his
heart and instigated him to action. Prof. Carter’s also believed that the science companies should give
back to the community for putting the varying local steel companies out of business. Prof. Carter created a strong connection with the chief of police Random Bishop as they tried to find ways to help solve the crime problem but they could only do so much. They eventually realized they needed extra help… under the table.
Prof. Carter dropped the charges against Todd and with Random Bishop’s help they sprung him from prison on the condition that he would work for them. But the job description was to be listed as top secret and he becomes one of their ‘under the table’ employees: The Claw – a vigilante designed to support the over-taxed law enforcement agencies with the increase in crime due to the massive layoffs.
Given his previous background, Todd agrees… with the secret motivation to find the source of his wife’s super villain killer!

After many adventures Ticket gains the scientific know-how from an enemy who is strong in the various sciences and who has mental powers. He was given scientific knowledge from a mental bond-gone wrong during a battle with Mind Wipe.
Later on, Prof. Carter and his company are destroyed and his dream thought to be gone forever. Ticket and his friends are able to locate the culprit, Superior Johnston, and destroy his illegal, underground science facility.
Ticket is able to gain the financial backing support from one of Prof. Carter’s friends to help rebuild his company, Intellect Defense. They decide to use Superior Johnston’s old facility as their new underground headquarters. Ticket goes to college to learn science so that he can someday fill Prof. Carter’s shoes as the head of the company.
Until then, they fight Superior Johnston’s creations and any other foes trying to undo the peace of the city.
Little does he know his biggest challenge is coming at him-from the skies and deep in space!

Dead Bolt

Real name: UNKNOWN
Affiliation: Crime Shark
Temperament: Patient, calm, calculating, silent, stealthy, quiet, and cold.
Carries 3 varying High powered sniper rifle that can be broken down and reassembled quickly, including conversion to a one handed sniper pistol. Two rifles have modified chambers are capable of firing multiple cartidges, designed to release gas, smoke, toxins/poisons, strobe lighting, and blood pellets to attract Blood Prowlers.
An essentially silent, and legendary, weapon that has no moving parts and can fire almost any quarrel, round, or ammunition supplied via an overdose charge of magnetics.
Skills/Abilities: Stealth, camoflauge, near invisibility. His suit is half black and designed to cover one eye during an operation for better concealment in an urban-jungle warfare situation. Also has window-washer-type harnesses that allow him to get the best shot from anywhere... even the dark, outside of a tall skyscraper.
Preferred Strike:
“Distance, silence, and invisibility are my weapons.”

Dead Bolt’s rail gun was stolen from the Russian government.

Dead Bolt used to be part of an ex-military team of commandos. No one knows why he left or what his connection is with the Russian Government.

He now works full time with Crime Shark, mostly spotting incoming trouble and baiting Blood Prowlers with his blood-canisters to target enemies.
He does as he is ordered, takes Crime Shark's money, and doesn't talk about his past.
He also appears to be hiding in Cycle City.

He is also directly related in the death of Todd Ticket's wife.

Wolves Bane

Son of the Thunder Chief, the tribal leader who turned Hunter Fox into Wilde Wolfe. Armed with dual, silver lined attack hatchets and arrows made of pure silver Wolves Bane has been hunting true werewolves since he was 9. He is also his tribe's protector. He hates true werewolves with a passion and will not stop until he sees his mission to completion - the end of werewolves and the curse they've brought upon his tribe.
He does not trust Wilde Wolfe, or the government-man Hunter Fox for that matter, but even he can't ignore the fact that having an untrue werewolf on their side helps to turn the tide.

Al Eyes

Carries a personal energy shield, invisibility (cloaking) device, and eventually steals a phasing unit from Marla. Carries a high-powered energy handgun and deadly harmonically-tuned assassin sword.
Non-stolen items were located by Haystack and bought on the Black Market from Techno-Wizard before he became Techno-Wizard.
Half competitor/half ally/sometimes conflict to Captain UN. Half of his outfit is white, symbolizing the WWII’s “Allies” and half is black, symbolizing the “Axis” forces.
He fights against those who would try and usurp the rights, privileges, and freedoms of the world. Captain UN often finds him in the thick of fights when he arrives.
Is not afraid to use unprecedented/controversial tools, weapons, items, or ethics in keeping the world safe from would-be tyrants.
Is bold enough to try and go after Detonator himself… at least once.
Captain UN keeps trying to catch him after he helps him but he always escapes.


“I like to take a bite out of life.”

By day, he is an entrepreneurial playboy-type investor who provides funds for scientists working on super-hero–style technology and/or weapons. i.e. Dr. Max Schmall. He is not a scientist himself. He is the President of Sundown Inc.
By night he fights crime and preys on those that prey on others.

Originally a vampire-hunter who fought in the valley of the ancient Romania, where the Tournament's Ki-Char soldiers recently resided. Their ancestors fought to destroy the vampires in the Ancient Tournament alongside the immortals.
He was bit for the final time before the Ki-Char's ancestors unleashed their most powerful weapon and wiped out the vampires forever... at least so they thought.
Many friends that they considered allies soon come to possess the hunger, power, and sensations of the vampires they fought to destroy!
Rather than giving in to his lust for blood Sundown fought to control his appitites by creating an armored suit that cut his teeth off from the outside world and the innocents that surrounded him. The helmet also works to filter smells that might trigger any sudden bursts of blood-lust.
As a vampire, a character originally created to be evil in its most potent form, he is deathly allergic to all forms of positive energy, including water, sunlight, wood, fire, and anti-oxidents (garlic). His suit also works to protect him from these harsh elements.
Hiding behind the guise of an armored superhero, who is powered by the strength of his suit, Sundown continues to do what he began as... hundreds of years later: a vampire hunter!

He eventually joins Death Watch in his hunt for Blood Prowlers, who are a competition to Sundown. Sundown discovers that he can bite/feed off of the Blood Prowlers before they can drain him of his own juices. If he can drain them before they drain him he can kill them with little damage to the body. That is of great worth to Death Watch-a good kill with minimal damage means a lot of money.

Sticky Fingers


Madam Mane & the Black Dragons


Team Triton

The Nemesis of Wrath

Wilde Wolfe-Origin backstory explained

Wilde Wolfe

In his human form he still suffers from doggy-syndrome; enhanced smell & hearing, seeing black & white, drooling, scratching behind his ear, etc. He retains all the memories of his doggy-form.

Trying to follow a band of criminals suspected to be linked to a crime syndicate operating out of the Nevada desert, he followed them through a supposedly deserted desert plain, only to discover that it’s actually an old, hidden Indian burial ground. The band seemingly disappeared and the FBI agent stayed behind, looking for clues. An old Indian shaman arrived later and found the agent still there, searching for clues. Feeling the burial ground was desecrated by their weapons and vehicles the shaman cursed him with an ancient Indian artifact that is bonded to him. In the presence of those who need help he transforms into the giant, wolf-like Wilde Wolfe until that person receives the help they need.
He will continue to change until he learns to put others first and not be selfish.

Wild World-Lionsbane


The Enforcer


Recoil-The Living Whip

Wrath of Ra & Turn Key